We’ve covered a variety of health and behavioral topics in the past but there’s a basic question many cat or dog owners still have, why should I take my dog or cat to the vet? We hear lots of reasons why owners don’t want to take their dog or cat to the vet, the cost is too high, they don’t have enough time, their pet seems healthy, their cat or dog is badly behaved at the vet… but here’s why you should!
- It’s legally required for every cat and dog to have a Rabies vaccine.
- Preventative care is less expensive than illness management.
- Veterinarians are not allowed to give medical advice without a valid doctor. patient relationship.
- Non Prescription Flea and Tick prevention doesn’t cut it!
- Protecting your pet protects your family!
First, Illinois state law requires all cats and dogs over the age of 4 months old to be vaccinated for Rabies. The rabies vaccine has to be given by a veterinarian. If your cousin’s sister-in-law’s friend says he can vaccinate your cat because he works for a doctor or went to Farm King, he’s lying.Rabies is very dangerous and is still seen in the wildlife population. Think your house cat or chihuahua is safe? Think again, rabid bats have been found in local attics. A rabies vaccine is inexpensive compared to the fees Animal Control will issue if they find out your pet isn’t up to date.
Have you ever heard an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? That is true for your pet too. Something obvious we don’t always consider is…. Our cat and dog can’t speak our language. They can’t tell you when something hurts. Animals have evolved to hide their symptoms because the weakest link is often the one that ends up in the belly of a predator. With your Rabies vaccine the doctor will perform a thorough physical exam. The exam will check for lumps, growths, heart rate, and body condition score. Your doctor will also offer bloodwork to check the health of their internal organs. We would much rather diagnose a condition when we can help your cat or dog than after it’s too late to fix the problem.
Veterinarians are not allowed to give medical advice if they have not seen your pet. If you call in to ask a question, expect the client service representative to say “We’ll need to schedule an appointment” . No they’re not bluffing. In order to appropriately diagnose and treat your pet…. schedule an appointment please. This is the best care option for your pet.
Fleas do find their way to indoor only cats, even clean people can have fleas in their yard or on their dog, and if you can buy the prevention over the counter … .your pet probably still has fleas or will be re-infected before the label says it’s safe to re-apply. The good stuff, the stuff that kills the fleas and ticks, the stuff that lasts as long as the label says… its prescription… we can’t sell it if we haven’t performed a physical on your pet within the last year, no matter how well you might have known the doctor’s mom when you were 16.
Like we said earlier, just because you think your pet looks healthy…. If your cat is sleeping on your pillow, you might want to make sure he or she is free from intestinal parasites. If your dog contracts a zoonotic disease and you clean up his or her urine accident off the floor, you run a risk of contracting it. While we can’t live thinking about the what ifs, if you can prevent a sick dog, a sick human, veterinariay bills and doctor bills with annual preventative vaccines and parasite prevention, wouldn’t that be easier?
In conclusion, make some time to call Wags and Whiskers today for a wellness exam. Your dog, your cat, your pocket book and your family will thank you!